Protein coding transcript 103454

CDS coordinates62-1120 (+)
ORF Typecomplete

Annotations of Ll_transcript_288233

BlastpZinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 22 from Oryza sativa with 58.01% of identity
BlastxZinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 22 from Oryza sativa with 65.85% of identity
Eggnogzinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein(ENOG410YCDX)
KeggLink to kegg annotations (4332722)
CantataDBLink to cantataDB annotations (CNT0000302)
Ncbi proteinLink to NCBI protein (XP_019413005.1)
PfamRNA recognition motif. (a.k.a. RRM, RBD, or RNP domain) (PF00076.21)
GOLinks to GO: General; Genes and gene products; Annotations; Ontology;
Links to GO: General; Genes and gene products; Annotations; Ontology;

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