Protein coding transcript 141670

CDS coordinates117-1382 (+)
ORF Typecomplete

Annotations of Ll_transcript_117034

BlastpAP3-complex subunit beta-A from Arabidopsis with 66.67% of identity
BlastxAP3-complex subunit beta-A from Arabidopsis with 66.67% of identity
EggnogThe coatomer is a cytosolic protein complex that binds to dilysine motifs and reversibly associates with Golgi non- clathrin-coated vesicles, which further mediate biosynthetic protein transport from the ER, via the Golgi up to the trans Golgi network. Coatomer complex is required for budding from Golgi membranes, and is essential for the retrograde Golgi-to-ER transport of dilysine-tagged proteins(COG5096)
KeggLink to kegg annotations (AT3G55480)
Ncbi proteinLink to NCBI protein (XP_019432911.1)
PfamAdaptin N terminal region (PF01602.19)
GOLinks to GO: General; Genes and gene products; Annotations; Ontology;
Links to GO: General; Genes and gene products; Annotations; Ontology;

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