Protein coding transcript 251096

CDS coordinates85-684 (+)
ORF Type3prime_partial

Annotations of Ll_transcript_7711

Blastp60S ribosomal protein L5-2 from Arabidopsis with 86% of identity
Blastx60S ribosomal protein L5-2 from Arabidopsis with 86% of identity
EggnogThis is one of the proteins that binds and probably mediates the attachment of the 5S RNA into the large ribosomal subunit, where it forms part of the central protuberance (By similarity)(COG0256)
KeggLink to kegg annotations (AT5G39740)
CantataDBLink to cantataDB annotations (CNT0000907)
Ncbi proteinLink to NCBI protein (XP_019460221.1)
PfamRibosomal large subunit proteins 60S L5, and 50S L18 (PF17144.3)
GOLinks to GO: General; Genes and gene products; Annotations; Ontology;
Links to GO: General; Genes and gene products; Annotations; Ontology;

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